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Responsibly Breeding & Showing Purebred Miniature Smooth Dachshunds
Over a decade of Breeding & Showing
Produced 30+ Bred-By Champions
Additional Champions (Sired by Baldox Studs)
Multiple ROM titles (Register of Merit)
Multiple ROMX titles (Register of Merit Excellent)
Multi Group Placement Champion Specials
A Multi-Best In Specialty (MBISS)
Two BOV In Specialty (BOVSS)
Two Absolute Field Champions

Hobby breeders like to show their dogs and breed to the AKC dachshund standard to "better the breed." Hobby Show Breeders are always actively involved in showing at AKC conformation events. Are members of the NMDC, DCA or a member of a local kennel club. They breed for themselves, fully understanding the health issues within the breed and select their dogs based on correct conformation and temperaments. They spend a great deal of effort researching pedigrees and stud dogs to select the breeding most likely to yield the best possible puppies. The puppies are whelped and raised in their homes and are socialized beginning at a very early age to optimize their temperaments for life in the real world.
Our goal is to breed the best Dachshund, because we plan to keep one of the puppies for ourselves as a show competitor. The facts of life, however, is that not all of the litter will be show quality. In fact, seldom is even half of a litter show quality. Many breeders consider a litter with one or two potential champions as a successful breeding. The remainder of the litter are placed in pet or performance homes.
If you are fortunate, you may get one of these puppies.