Bred By, Co-owned or owned by
Abbreviation guide: CH = conformation champion / FC = field champion
DC = dual champion (both conformation and field championships)
MS = Miniature Smooth / ML = Miniature Long
MSD = Miniature Smooth Dapple / MSP = Miniature Smooth Piebald
ROM = Register of Merit / ROMX = Register of Merit Excellent
BISS = Best in Specialty Show / MBISS = Multi-Best in Specialty Show
13. MBISS CH Baldox Locked N Loaded MS
14. CH Baldox Back In Black MS
15. CH Baldox Nailed It MS
18. CH Baldox Wrex N Effect MS
21. CH Baldox Double Helix In The Sky MSD
24. GCH Baldox Tombstone Outlaw ML
25. GCH Baldox Its A Small World ML
26. GCH Baldox Certified Lover Boy ML
30. CH Baldox King Of Hearts MS
31. CH Baldox Little Piece of Heaven MS
32. GCHB Baldox Out Of This World MS
33. CH Baldox She's Like The Wind MS
38. CH Baldox Power Of Love MS
Abbreviation guide: CH = conformation champion / FC = field champion
DC = dual champion (both conformation and field championships)
MS = Miniature Smooth / ML = Miniature Long
MSD = Miniature Smooth Dapple / MSP = Miniature Smooth Piebald
ROM = Register of Merit / ROMX = Register of Merit Excellent
BISS = Best in Specialty Show / MBISS = Multi-Best in Specialty Show
1. CH Paradise's Hayleigh In The Hot Seat MS
2. CH Pipers Nacho Beez's Ness MS
7. BPIS CH Calawyn Rhills Black Magic MS
8. CH Calawynn RHill's Made for Magic MS
3. CH Pipers Pizz Ant MS
4. CH Criscross Summer Fun MS
5. CH Criscross Summer Solstice MS
6. DC GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee MS
Abbreviation guide: CH = conformation champion / FC = field champion
DC = dual champion (both conformation and field championships)
MS = Miniature Smooth / ML = Miniature Long
MSD = Miniature Smooth Dapple / MSP = Miniature Smooth Piebald
ROM = Register of Merit / ROMX = Register of Merit Excellent
BISS = Best in Specialty Show / MBISS = Multi-Best in Specialty Show
1. FC Baldwins Peanut Snoopy Doo MSP
Absolute Winner
2. DC GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee MS
Absolute Winner